Wednesday Bar Hop -Wednesday Bar Hop Notice Board -Dwscription of Run Bottle Opener -Bottle Opener Bottle Opener -Bottle Opener Returners -Returners Returners -Returners The Pilsbury Award -Raging Cow & Bumsteer The Pilsbury Award -Raging Cow, Bumsteer & Au Per The Pilsbury Award -Raging Cow, Bumsteer & Au Per The Pilsbury Award -Raging Cow, Bumsteer & Au Per The Pilsbury Award -Raging Cow, Bumsteer & Au Per Naming -? Naming -? The Holy Horn Award -Saput The Holy Horn Award -Saput Charging -Soggy Butt charging KFC Charged -KFC Charged -KFC Visitor -Visitor Visitor -Visitor Religious Adviser -Soggy Butt Religious Adviser -Soggy Butt The Shit Award -Soggy Butt The Shit Award -Soggy Butt The Shit Award -Soggy Butt Birthday Boy -Su Su Birthday Boy -Su Su Birthday Boy -Su Su Birthday Boy -Su Su, His cake Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins The Hares -Induces & Helpers The Hares -Induces & Helpers The Hares -Induces & Helpers The Hares -Induces & Helpers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers