Wednesday Bar Hop -Wednesday Bar Hop Notice Board -Description of Run Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers The Hares -Deaf Kunt & Bumsteer The Hares -Deaf Kunt & Bumsteer The Hares -Deaf Kunt & Bumsteer Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners 300 Runs -300 Runs for Smack my Arse 300 Runs -300 Runs for Smack my Arse 300 Runs -300 Runs for Smack my Arse 300 Runs -300 Runs for Smack my Arse Religious Adviser -Floppy Dick Religious Adviser -Floppy Dick Selling -His car Kunt Thief to Scatman Selling -His car Kunt Thief to Scatman Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Charged -Self Satisfaction Charged -Self Satisfaction Naming -Sourpuss for sauerkraut's wife Naming -Sourpuss Naming -Sourpuss Naming -Sourpuss Naming -Sourpuss Naming -Sourpuss Charged -Wait Lang for taking all the small change promised to Hash Cash Charged -Wait Lang for taking all the small change promised to Hash Cash Charged -Wait Lang for taking all the small change promised to Hash Cash Charged -Cujo Charged -Cujo Charged -Paparazzi for drinking juice for a medical problem Charged -Paparazzi for drinking juice for a medical problem Charged -Paparazzi for drinking juice for a medical problem International -Germans International -Germans Operation -Pussy Licker for showing us his scar Operation -Pussy Licker for showing us his scar Operation -Pussy Licker for showing us his scar Charged -Nancy Boy The Holy Horn award -piggy back for asking a waitress how much to go to the CR then paying 40 Peso's for it The Holy Horn award -piggy back for asking a waitress how much to go to the CR then paying 40 Peso's for it The Holy Horn award -piggy back for asking a waitress how much to go to the CR then paying 40 Peso's for it The Shit award -Kentucky The Shit award -Kentucky The Shit award -Kentucky Charged -Floppy Dick Charged -Floppy Dick International -Singing a Taiwan hash song International -Singing a Taiwan hash song International -Singing a Taiwan hash song Naming -Junior Selfie Naming -Junior Selfie Naming -Junior Selfie Naming -Junior Selfie Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Birthday Girl -Surf Board Birthday Girl -Surf Board Birthday Girl -Surf Board Charged -KFC Charging -Floppy Dick Charged -Kermit Charged -Kermit The Pilsbury Award -Self Satisfaction for sleeping in the bars again The Pilsbury Award -Self Satisfaction for sleeping in the bars again Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Jeepney Driver -Jeepney Driver