Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Soggy Butt & Dances with Dogs The Hares -Soggy Butt & Dances with Dogs Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors Bottle Opener -Bottle Opener Bottle Opener -Bottle Opener The Holy Horn Award -KFC & Wait Lang for being sick crossing some water The Holy Horn Award -KFC & Wait Lang for being sick crossing some water The Holy Horn Award -KFC & Wait Lang for being sick crossing some water Religious Advisor -Meatless Religious Advisor -Meatless Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin 50 Runs -50 Runs for Su Su 50 Runs -50 Runs for Su Su Lost Property -Visitor left his dirty sock lying around Lost Property -Visitor left his dirty sock lying around Special -Visitor with his sock doing a teabag down down Special -Visitor with his sock doing a teabag down down The Shit Award -Pornoazzi The Shit Award -Pornoazzi The Shit Award -Pornoazzi Charged -Soggy Butt for his tattoo of a scorpion Charged -Soggy Butt for his tattoo of a scorpion Charged -Soggy Butt for his tattoo of a scorpion Charged -Soggy Butt for his tattoo of a scorpion Charged -Paparazzi Charged -Paparazzi Naming -Eager Beaver Naming -Eager Beaver Naming -Eager Beaver Naming -Eager Beaver Departer -Departer Departer -Departer Birthday Boy -Nancy Boy for his Birthday & now the Grand Master of Manila Men's Hash Birthday Boy -Nancy Boy for his Birthday & now the Grand Master of Manila Men's Hash Birthday Boy -Nancy Boy for his Birthday & now the Grand Master of Manila Men's Hash Charging -Dances with Dogs Charging -Dances with Dogs Charged -Floppy Dick Charged -Floppy Dick