Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers The Hares -Soggy DH for giving incorrect instructions for the notice board The Hares -Soggy DH for giving incorrect instructions for the notice board Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors The Holy Horn Award -Smack my arse for writing on the notice board in permanent ink The Holy Horn Award -Smack my arse for writing on the notice board in permanent ink The Shit Award -Su Su The Shit Award -Su Su The Shit Award -Su Su Charged -As an airline he can predict the weather ? Charged -As an airline he can predict the weather ? Charged -As an airline he can predict the weather ? Charged -Honey Dew for his Haggis Bash last week Charged -Honey Dew for his Haggis Bash last week Charged -Honey Dew for his Haggis Bash last week Charged -Honey Dew for his Haggis Bash last week Charged -Nancy Boy for shaving his chest Charged -Nancy Boy for shaving his chest Charged -Nancy Boy for shaving his chest Charged -Nancy Boy for shaving his chest Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Charged -Wrong Way for running the trail in reverse Charged -Wrong Way for running the trail in reverse Charged -Wrong Way for running the trail in reverse Charged -Wrong Way for running the trail in reverse Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Jeepney Drivers -Jeepney Drivers Damage -Broken Chair