Hash Group -Puerto Galeria Hash Group -Puerto Galeria Hash Group -La Union Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers The Hares -Tingle Man, Soggy Butt & Vender Bender The Hares -Tingle Man, Soggy Butt & Vender Bender The Hares -Tingle Man, Soggy Butt & Vender Bender Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Hash Group -La Union Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners 50 Runs -50 Runs for Self Satisfaction 50 Runs -50 Runs for Self Satisfaction The Pilsbury Award -Kentucky Fried FH for being caught asleep The Pilsbury Award -Kentucky Fried FH for being caught asleep The Pilsbury Award -Kentucky Fried FH for being caught asleep The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run The Holy Horn Award -Robber for being the GM of the 1000th Run Religious Advisor -Meatless Religious Advisor -Meatless Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Hash Virgins Special -Paparazzi's Bed The Shit Award -Paparazzi for bringing his bed to the circle The Shit Award -Paparazzi for bringing his bed to the circle The Shit Award -Paparazzi for bringing his bed to the circle Charged -Soggy Butt Charged -Soggy Butt Charged -Bum Steer Charged -Bum Steer Charged -Bum Steer Charged -Bum Steer Special -Runs under 50 of Angeles Hash Special -Runs under 50 of Angeles Hash Special -Runs under 50 of Angeles Hash Special -Runs under 50 of Angeles Hash Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Hash Group -Manila Hash Group -Manila Hash Group -Manila Hash Group -Manila Jeepney Drivers -Jeepney Drivers Jeepney Drivers -Jeepney Drivers Jeepney Drivers -Jeepney Drivers Sleeping -Guess who fell asleep at the On Home