Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers The Hares -Sirena & Two Bottles The Hares -Sirena & Two Bottles Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job 50 Runs -50 Runs for Hand Job The Holy Horn Award -The Holy Horn Award The Holy Horn Award -The Holy Horn Award The Holy Horn Award -The Holy Horn Award The Holy Horn Award -The Holy Horn Award The Holy Horn Award -The Holy Horn Award 350 Runs -350 Runs for Pin Pin 350 Runs -350 Runs for Pin Pin 350 Runs -350 Runs for Pin Pin The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer Again The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer Again The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer Again The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer Again 500 Runs -500 Runs for Cujo 500 Runs -500 Runs for Cujo 500 Runs -500 Runs for Cujo 500 Runs -500 Runs for Cujo 500 Runs -500 Runs for Cujo Charged -Two Bottles for not getting the run information into the web site before Sunday Charging -Two Bottles for not getting the run information into the web site before Sunday Charging -Two Bottles for not getting the run information into the web site before Sunday Charged -Two Bottles for not getting the run information into the web site before Sunday Charging -A wealthy business man for trying to get a discount for the Subic run on Monday Charged -A wealthy business man for trying to get a discount for the Subic run on Monday Charged -A wealthy business man for trying to get a discount for the Subic run on Monday Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput Presentation Presentation of a Malaysian Hash Shirt to G.M. Saput The Shit Award -Trucka Fucka for having a party on Saturday Night to prevent Hashers from attending hash next Sunday The Shit Award -Trucka Fucka for having a party on Saturday Night to prevent Hashers from attending hash next Sunday The Shit Award -Trucka Fucka for having a party on Saturday Night to prevent Hashers from attending hash next Sunday The Shit Award -Trucka Fucka for having a party on Saturday Night to prevent Hashers from attending hash next Sunday