Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Morphine, Golden Shower & Mina Ayon The Hares -Morphine, Golden Shower & Mina Ayon Returners -Returners Returners -Returners 50 Runs -50 Runs for KFC 50 Runs -50 Runs for KFC 50 Runs -50 Runs for KFC Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors 100 Runs -100 Runs for HIV 100 Runs -100 Runs for HIV 100 Runs -100 Runs for HIV Bottle Openers -Bottle Openers The Holy Horn Award -Hynd Tit 150 Runs -150 Runs for Hynd Tit 150 Runs -150 Runs for Hynd Tit The Pilsbury Award -The Pilsbury Award The Pilsbury Award -The Pilsbury Award 600 Runs -600 Runs for Morphine 600 Runs -600 Runs for Morphine 600 Runs -600 Runs for Morphine The Shit Award -The Shit Award The Shit Award -The Shit Award The Shit Award -The Shit Award The Shit Award -The Shit Award Charging -Dog & Owner Charging -Dog & Owner Charging -Dog & Owner Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Birthday Boy -Birthday Boy Birthday Boy -Birthday Boy