Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Caribou Licker & Sodomize Bottle Opener -Bottle Opener Returners -Returners Returners -Returners 50 Runs -50 Runs for Sirena 50 Runs -50 Runs for Sirena 50 Runs -50 Runs for Sirena 300 Runs -300 Runs for Mother Duck 300 Runs -300 Runs for Mother Duck 300 Runs -300 Runs for Mother Duck The Holy Horn Award -Sodomizer for leaving the country with too much money The Holy Horn Award -Sodomizer for leaving the country with too much money 300 Runs -300 Runs for Picasso 300 Runs -300 Runs for Picasso 300 Runs -300 Runs for Picasso 300 Runs -300 Runs for Picasso The Shit Award -Pussy Licker for his smashed cell phone The Shit Award -Pussy Licker for his smashed cell phone Departers -Departers Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin Hash Virgin -Hash Virgin