Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Guardian Angel & Big Foot The Hares -Guardian Angel & Big Foot The Hares -Big Foot & Guardian Angel Returners -Returners Returners -Returners 50 Runs -50 Runs for Tingle Man 50 Runs -50 Runs for Key Mah & Tingle Man No Hash Clothing -No Hash Clothing No Hash Clothing -No Hash Clothing No Hash Clothing -No Hash Clothing Birthday Boy -Birthday Boy Birthday Boy -Birthday Boy 60 Years Birthday Boy -Birthday Boy 60 Years 150 Runs -150 Runs for Haystack 150 Runs -150 Runs for Haystack Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors The Holy Horn Award -Kuntstubble The Holy Horn Award -Kuntstubble The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer The Pilsbury Award -Bumsteer The Shit Award -Dances with Dogs The Shit Award -Dances with Dogs Naming -Pan Cake Naming -Pan Cake Naming -Pan Cake Naming -Pan Cake Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers