Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Kaput & Dances with Dogs The Hares -Kaput & Dances with Dogs Returners -Returners visitor -visitor Visitor -visitor Charging -Hynd Tit charging Bukla Banger for, going to the airport a day before his travel The Holy Horn Award -Bukla Banger for, going to the airport a day before his travel The Holy Horn Award -Bukla Banger for, going to the airport a day before his travel Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins The Shit Award -Soggy Dickhead for falling down on the road drunk The Shit Award -Soggy Dickhead for falling down on the road drunk The Pilsbury Award -Nancy Boy for sleeping in a bar The Pilsbury Award -Nancy Boy for sleeping in a bar The Pilsbury Award -Nancy Boy for sleeping in a bar (Dogs fault) Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Naming -Alcohol abuse Naming -Alcohol abuse