Notice Board -Description of Run The Hares -Dick the Shit & Dances with Dogs The Hares -Dick the Shit & Dances with Dogs Lost Property -Pin Pin lost her watch on the run, now reunited with it Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors 250 Runs -Kentucky achieving 250runs 250 Runs -Kentucky achieving 250runs The Holy Horn Award -For Dancing in the Bars The Holy Horn Award -For Dancing in the Bars 250 Runs -250 Runs for Picasso & Mother Duck 250 Runs -250 Runs for Picasso & Mother Duck 250 Runs -250 Runs for Picasso & Mother Duck 250 Runs -250 Runs for Picasso & Mother Duck 250 Runs -250 Runs for Picasso & Mother Duck The Pilsbury Award -For Sleeping in a bar The Pilsbury Award -For Sleeping in a bar The Pilsbury Award -For Sleeping in a bar Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Changing Appearance -Bukla Banger & Dickhead for shaving off their facial hair Changing Appearance -Bukla Banger & Dickhead for shaving off their facial hair Over Achieving -Paying p1000 for trike to get to run site Over Achieving -Paying p1000 for trike to get to run site The Shit Award -The Shit Award, shared The Shit Award -The Shit Award, shared 300 Runs -Sodermizer for achieving 300 runs 300 Runs -Sodermizer for achieving 300 runs 300 Runs -Sodermizer for achieving 300 runs Birthday Girl -Birthday Girl Birthday Girl -Birthday Girl Birthday Boy & Birthday Girl -Birthday Boy & Birthday Girl 450 Runs -Dances with Dogs for achieving 450 Runs 450 Runs -Dances with Dogs for achieving 450 Runs 450 Runs -Dances with Dogs for achieving 450 Runs Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Bogged -Boom Boom Moses, Bogged Bogged -Boom Boom Moses, Bogged Bogged -Boom Boom Moses, Bogged