Notice Board -Description of Run The Hare -Soggy The Hare -Soggy Returners -Returners Returners -Returners Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors 100 Runs -Haystack & Quaint Arse for 100 Runs 100 Runs -Haystack & Quaint Arse for 100 Runs 100 Runs -Haystack & Quaint Arse for 100 Runs The Pilsbury Award -Cherry Godfather on reverse charge for accusing someone else of sleeping falsely The Pilsbury Award -Cherry Godfather on reverse charge for accusing someone else of sleeping falsely Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins 200 Runs -200 Runs 200 Runs -200 Runs 200 Runs -200 Runs Charging -Boom Boom Moses charging HIV for taking advantage of one of his girls in the bar Charging -Boom Boom Moses charging HIV for taking advantage of one of his girls in the bar The Holy Horn Award - HIV for taking advantage of one of the girls in the bar 200 Runs -Pussy Licker for 200 Runs 200 Runs -Pussy Licker for 200 Runs
The Shit Award -Short Circuit for going to Manila to get Vietnam Visa when it's available on Line Birthday Girl -Mount Isa Birthday Girl -Mount Isa Departers -Departers Departers -Departers Departers -Departers