Notice Board -Directions for run The Hares -Sodermizer & Bum Steer Returners -Soft cock & Mary Poppins Returners -Haystack, Soft cock & Mary Poppins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Hash Virgins -Hash Virgins Visitors -Visitors Visitors -Visitors The Holy Horn Award -Bloody Fairy for having a big night then sleeping on the floor while his dinner was cooking, then finding all was dried up & burnt. No Hash clothing -No Hash clothing in circle. New Shoes -Crazy German to drink from his girls shoes as a hash virgin The Pilsbury Award -for sleeping on jeepnee to run. The Pilsbury Award -for sleeping on jeepnee to hash run. Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -for getting chased by carabao Charge -HIV & Little Dick Fucker, for playing with each other in jeepnee on way to run. Charge -HIV & Little Dick Fucker, for playing with each other in jeepnee on way to run. Charge -Saput for being useless on a computer. Departers -HIV & Dickhead