Full Moon Hash

Attention! The Full Moon Is Back. Under new management: Facilitator

Who: Mixed. Adult only. Short run with unlimited drinks.
When: First Thursday every month!
Price: Men 300 Peso, Women 200 Peso

Upcoming Full Moon Hash runs

Previous Full Moon Hash runs

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59 9/13/2016 Brass Knob register from 6pm Base run A to B bring the torch and maybe the umbrella .... could rain .. haaaa Rusty Nail & Finger in the Dyke
63 1/10/2017 BRASS Knob register from 6pm A to B town run. Bring your flashlight (torch) Rusty Nail & Finger in the Dyke
85 11/6/2018 Brass Knob register from 6pm. Run on the base bring your torch and don't be late jeepney leaves 6.30 sharp. Rusty Nail & Finger in the Dyke
43 6/2/2015 Brass Knob reistration from 6pm leave 6.30pm In town run bring your flashlights and rain coats / umbrella we in the rainy season. Come and enjoy the exercise and a few drinks finger in the dyke
#35 10/9/2014 Brass Knob, sign up starts at 6pm & the jeep will leave at 630pm Thur 9th Oct 2015 This Months (Oct Full Moon ) will be on Clark !!! Will be a short 4K walk !!! Still in the Rainy Season so bring a Umbrella or Rain Coat and your Torch !!! Will return back to the Brass Knob & enjoy Hash Beers !!!! See You all on Thur Oct 9th at the Brass Knob for this Months Full Moon Hash Walk !!!!!! Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
# 18 5/24/2013 full moon will start at Margerita station Friday may 24th The Full Moon Hash for May is an A to A trail!!!!!! Since we have had some good Thunder Storms in the Afternoons , would not hurt to bring a Good Torch & Umbrely !!!!! It could be just a Tad Wet!!!!!! hahahah Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
136 5/4/2023 HARRIETTE'S RESTOBAR New location to make it interesting. The start is just up the rd from Maxi's bar next cnr up. The usual thing with a few drinks after. Finger in the Dyke & Rusty Nail
153 1/16/2025 JOSEFAVILLE 2. The next Full Moon Hash Run will be this Thursday 16 January. The run will start and conclude in Josefaville 2 Sub-Division, at 8-5 Pres Roxas Street. GPS: 15.159330, 120.577650 (15 09 33.6N, 120 34 39.5E) (5H5H+P3J). Directions: Enter Josefaville 2 Sub-Division via the Main Gate on Zeppelin Street, inside gate continue on Pres Aguinaldo Street for approx 100m, take 2nd right onto Pres Osmena (Google Maps incorrectly calls this Stambaug Street), and continue for approx 150m to the circle site at the corner of Pres Roxas Street. Corners will be marked with WHITE POWDER. Registration is from 6 pm, with the run starting at 6.30 pm. The On Home will be at Josefaville 2. Contact Telephone Numbers: 0948 1309250 or 0999 7018572. We will do an approximately 3.8km run/walk starting and finishing in Josefaville 2, with the usual drinks and conversation afterward. It is advisable to bring a flashlight. The Run Fee is 300P for Men and 200P for women. The usual Hash free drinks are included after the run has been completed and will last until the money runs out. Facilitator
08 6/5/2012 Junes Full Moon run will Start & Finish at the Brass Knob Bring your Torch/Flash Lite & Umbrella as were getting into the Rain Season & It has been Known to rain on the Full Moon Hashes !!! Bring some extra Cash to buy the Full Moon Vest for Only 500 peso!! "Buy A F.M. Vest when you Register & save 50 peso for 650 Peso!!!!!" Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
110 3/2/2021 MARBLE INN New location start at Marble Inn (near Diamond subd.) for the usual 4 km run/walk followed by a few beverages after all that effort Finger in the Dyke & Rusty Nail
23 10/25/2013 Margarita Station Due to 3 other hash Clubs having their Anniv. Runs in Oct !!!!! The Angeles Full Moon ( Sleepy Hallow Full Moon ) will be on Friday, 25th Oct !!!!! Still in the Rain Season so Come Prepared for the Weather !!! See U all Hashers On the Full Moon !!!! Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
Full Moon # 16 3/26/2013 Margarita Station Start & finish at Margarita Station on Tue 26th March. Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
10 5/8/2012 Margarita Station Bring your flashlight with you. Rusty Nail and Cherry God Father
15 8/3/2012 MARGARITA STATION Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
24 11/15/2013 Margarita Station Bring a Torch & come enjoy a walk under the Full Moon !!!!!! Then enjoy some Cold Beers after the Walk !!!! Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
9 6/7/2012 Margarita Station Friday July 6th Come & enjoy a slow walk & enjoy a few cold Ones at the finish!!!! rusty nail
# 20 6/25/2013 Margerita Station Tue June 25th 2013 It's the Rainy season , bring an Umbrella or rain coat !!! Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
13 11/27/2012 Margerita Station There will be 3 drink stops During the walk/run !!!!!! Drink stop is Pay as You Go !!!!! Rusty Nail & Cherry God Father
133 2/7/2023 MOON BAR The usual run/walk then some beverages with good conversation ... bring the flashlight Finger in the Dyke & Rusty Nail