Sunday Run/Hike

British Empire and American Colonies #458

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Time: 3Pm start Palms resort

Location: Palms Resort. first street opposite Astro Park

Remarks: A nice run with a few drinks after. No fees

Hare: Trucka

Who: Strictly Men Only
When: Once a Month - Determined by Hare
Price: Determined by Hare on the day (to cover transport and drinks)

Upcoming Angeles Hash runs

458 2/22/2025 Palms Resort. first street opposite Astro Park A nice run with a few drinks after. No fees Trucka

Previous Angeles Hash runs

< 1 2 3 4 5 >
319 2/19/2013 Make your own way to old friendship gate,Aim to be there at 3.00pm. await instructions from Hares, The run is A to B, if you have a bag the hares will transport it to B.. You will be confronted with the Wonders of our environment,Enjoy, as you might not pass this way again... morphine and S & M. Man.
456 1/24/2025 Premier Hotel Australia Day BEACH Run is A San Angelo Street bar hop. Headband and Aussie Style Sausage Sizzle. 200p per hasher. Pay as you go barhop. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi. Honeydew & Bangka Blower
363 11/26/2016 Meet Niagara hotel and jeepney will leave promptly at 2:30 PM to go to run site. *NOTE NEW START TIME* A to B trail K**t Thief & Pussy Licker
316 12/12/2012 12-12-12 run. On On Two Bottles
445 3/23/2024 3 Pm start Thi Hi Bar 200 pecos per hasher for drinks. Help celebrate Paddy Pacquiao's birthday. More info to follow as I am still in Australia. Trucka & Honeydew
446 4/20/2024 69 Rock Bar rooftop Check Point. immediately around the corner down Narciso Street from Uncle Joe's, opposite Check Point. Enter building next to small South Star Drug. Take lift(Americans elevator) to rooftop.Check Google Maps. 200 Pecos per hasher. Take the elevator/ stairway behind Southstar Drug to rooftop. Look for Sovereign Building. Vlad the Impaler & Honeydew
444 2/24/2024 3 Pm start from Emotions A to A run. 200 PHP per hasher for drinks. Long trail approx. 5 Kms. Short not so long. Trucka , Banka Blower and Honeydew
435 5/27/2023 Start at Thi Hi Bar 3 PM 250 per hasher for drink stops and circle. That's the start. Approx. 4.5 KMS. Easy run. Enjoy the wonderful sights of Angeles City. Trucka and Bangka Blower
437 7/22/2023 Palms Resort. First Street opercite Astro Park. 3 PM start Approx. 4 Km run through the scenic streets of Mabalacat. Bangka Blower & Trucka
353. 1/29/2016 haha, wouldn't you like to know... Ok, beachers, two trails, one 4Km, and the other More than 4km.. 3.00pm Don't be late. Single Malt & 2 Bottles.
332. 3/4/2014 Friendship near cement plant Long and a short 4k short 8k long more or less On On. Bags will be transported to finish. weak shaft
359 7/30/2016 Town run start at Charlies At The Bend 5 Km run, On home has Pool and Gym.Transport for bags at start. If driving park near Premier Hotel and get jeepney to Charlies.Fees payable to Hares is ZERO Pesos Kaput & Trucka Fucka
360 8/27/2016 3pm Niagara 5 to 6 km run. No fee to Hares.EDIT!, if driving park near Premiere, bags will be transported to On-Home. Pool and shower. Men only. Suso and Runisorass
450 8/24/2024 3 PM start Jollibee Friendship. A to B run. Transport for backpacks available. 500 php covers shirt and run fees. Finish is at Premier Hotel where shirts will be handed out. Leave vehicles at Premier and get jeep or trike to friendship. 3 drink stops and a few shandies at on home. Trucka and Bangka Blower and Honeydew
381 4/14/2018 Meet at premiere hotel 5k and (may be) 8k run. Beer & food. 200 pesos fee. See More Stains & Master Bates
423 6/25/2022 3 PM start Emotions Bar 5KM trail and 3 KM trail. 200 PHP per hasher. Enjoy. Bangka Blower & Trucka
357. 5/28/2016 It will be a Intown run.. 6Km trail, then Funtime. 2bottles.
337. 7/26/2014 Start is at old Friendship gate. 7km. So not to difficult. 2 Bottles.
356 4/30/2016 Niagara. 8k and 4k runs. No wet feet. On home has swimming pool and shower. Transportation of your bags to on home will be available. Trucker Fucker & Kaput
307 2/25/2012 Friendship. From old Friendship Gate walk to Cement Plant. Walk along Margot Road for another 200/300 metres. Take left turn and start is bridge over the river. A >>> B. Wild Wolf