Sunday Run/Hike

Who: Strictly Men Only
When: Once a Month - Determined by Hare
Price: Determined by Hare on the day (to cover transport and drinks)
Upcoming Angeles Hash runs
Previous Angeles Hash runs
Number | Date | Location | Remarks | Hare |
1 2 3 4 5 > | ||||
454 | 12/20/2024 | 3PM start Premier Hotel | Christmass Candy Run. Note this run is on a FRIDAY 5.5 km run. Bring candy for the kids. 200 php per male hasher for drinks. A to A run. | Bangka Blower & Trucka |
453 | 11/23/2024 | 3 PM start Premier Hotel. | This BEACH RUN is a joint run with the Manila Hash joining us for a great day. A to B run. Transport for backpacks to on home. P250 per hasher. | Honeydew and Bangka Blower |
452 | 10/19/2024 | Start: Premiere Hotel Time: 3pm, be early to register On Home: TBD but not Premiere (can leave bags for transport to On Home) Cost: Peso 400 (includes drink stops and food) Hares: Honeydew and Bangka Blower - their birthday run Other: BEACH shirts for sale @ P500 each, first come.... | Honeydew and Bangka Blower | |
451 | 9/21/2024 | Meet Bodyshop for a 3 PM start. ( Real Street down the road from Tequila Reef ) | Easy 5 KM run with a few drink stops. 250 PHP per hasher | Trucka and Kim Chi |
450 | 8/24/2024 | 3 PM start Jollibee Friendship. A to B run. Transport for backpacks available. | 500 php covers shirt and run fees. Finish is at Premier Hotel where shirts will be handed out. Leave vehicles at Premier and get jeep or trike to friendship. 3 drink stops and a few shandies at on home. | Trucka and Bangka Blower and Honeydew |
449 | 7/27/2024 | Palms Resort. First Street not far from SM Mall and over from Astro Park | No run fees pay as you go. | Trucka and Banka Blower |
448 | 6/29/2024 | Emotions Bar | Easy 5 KM trail. A to A. P250 per hasher. | Trucka and unreliable co hare. |
447 | 5/25/2024 | Thunderbirds Bar ( next to Candy Bar ) | A to A run. 250 PHP per hasher. Long trail just over 4 KMS. Cripple trail about 3 KMS. Some drinks at On Home sponserd by Padi Pacquiao and Trucka. | Trucka & Honeydew |
446 | 4/20/2024 | 69 Rock Bar rooftop Check Point. immediately around the corner down Narciso Street from Uncle Joe's, opposite Check Point. Enter building next to small South Star Drug. Take lift(Americans elevator) to rooftop.Check Google Maps. | 200 Pecos per hasher. Take the elevator/ stairway behind Southstar Drug to rooftop. Look for Sovereign Building. | Vlad the Impaler & Honeydew |
445 | 3/23/2024 | 3 Pm start Thi Hi Bar | 200 pecos per hasher for drinks. Help celebrate Paddy Pacquiao's birthday. More info to follow as I am still in Australia. | Trucka & Honeydew |
444 | 2/24/2024 | 3 Pm start from Emotions A to A run. | 200 PHP per hasher for drinks. Long trail approx. 5 Kms. Short not so long. | Trucka , Banka Blower and Honeydew |
455 | 1/24/2024 | TBA | Let you know later. When I know. | Bangka Blower & Honeydew |
443 | 1/20/2024 | Old Flaming Bar | Australia Day and Rabbie Burns 265 th Birthday { he said he is not doing the run } BEACH RUN. A to A with 2 easy trails. 200 PHP per hasher for drinks and food. | Trucka, Bunka Blower and Honeydew |
442 | 12/16/2023 | Meet at Premier Hotel. Please be early so we can hand out shirts | This is the first combined Ladies Bushranger and Men's BEACH, Candy run to give candy to poor children in squatters areas. Cost is 500 Pecos per hasher Which includes shirt and drinks. After the run both groups will go their separate ways for their circle and drinks. Please bring some candy with you. | Banga Blower & Trucka |
441 | 11/25/2023 | EMOTIONS Bar | A to A run/walk to celebrate Honeydew & Bunka Blower 69th Birthday run | Honeydew & Bunka Blower |
440 | 10/28/2023 | Jolliebee Friendship | 4.5 KM trail followed by much fun and laughter. Park your cars near Night Moves. Transport for your backpacks to on home available. | Trucka & Yakkidiyak |
439 | 9/30/2023 | 3 PM Premier Hotel | About 4 Kms A to A trail. 200 PHP per Hasher to cover cost of Tubig and sodas. | Trucka and Smack My Ass |
438 | 8/26/2023 | Emotions Bar. A to A run. 3PM start. | There will be drink stops, 250 PHP per hasher. Haven't worked out trail yet. | Trucka & Honeydew |
437 | 7/22/2023 | Palms Resort. First Street opercite Astro Park. | 3 PM start Approx. 4 Km run through the scenic streets of Mabalacat. | Bangka Blower & Trucka |
436 | 6/24/2023 | starts at moons bar in diamond 3pm | two trails,a very short trail and a 5km trail | two bottles |