Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2405

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time: 14:00

Location: Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes.

Remarks: San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street.

Hare: Facilitator & Brain Dead

Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.

Upcoming Angeles Hash runs

2405 3/16/2025 Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes. San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Facilitator & Brain Dead

Previous Angeles Hash runs

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2286 Sunday 27th 11/27/2022 Under the bridge too somewhere Jeeps will leave the Premiere hotel 2.30 no wet feet not sure how long yet /Hares Lost in subic and Hynd tit lost in subic, Hynd tit
2285 11/20/2022 Cayanan farm Porac Go to Porac town,turn right at the bridge towards Town hall. Proceed all the way to "Moontura resort" (Look at google maps)When you pass the resort follow marks and turn left into the farm. park next to the Mango trees. Please respect the place, as we are in need of nice hash places Yakkidiyak has set a beautiful trail with nice scenery on the rolling hills of Porac. No significant hills but wet feet on both trails. short 4.2km , medium 6km On Home Barbarinos Yakkidiyak & Kuya Gay
2284 11/13/2022 Under the bridge to Somewhere. Go over the bridge to Nowhere, first left, go under TB2NW, continue along the road until you reach the next bridge. Short trail 4 km, medium 6.5 km. Dry feet, easy run - especially the short. Paddy Pacquiao & Bum Steer
2284 11/6/2022 Go through SCTEX underpass from Cuayan. Go down to river bed before Pidpid village. Follow road along river to sand depot, turn right and take left turn as marked. 8k 4k 1k, wet feet. This is the place where the jeepny driver upset the locals when they were selling vegatables. Bonsai
2283 11/2/2022 Through Cuayan, pass through SCTEX underpass and take road down to river bed before Pidpid village. Follow road to sand plant, turn right up road at plan and turn left at marking. Decimal position 15.13734 120.48227 Long 8k medium 4k easy 1k Wet feet. Bonsai
2282 10/30/2022 Premiere Due to the weather, the run has been changed to a "town run" starting at Premiere. More details to come. twobottles and sirena
2281 10/23/2022 Under the Bridge to Somewhere Over Bridge to Nowhere First left. First left again under bridge. Swing right. Continue for about 2km. I was planning to go to Floridablanca but the forecast is thunderstorms and the river could be risky. Long about 7km Short about 5km. Nancy boy
2280 10/16/2022 Go through clark or go surface streets from friendship gate to sapang bato. go straight through sapang bato to sitio target. when you reach the boom gate at the sitio target function hall, (if gate is down do not pay. tell them you are going to abel farm and have already paid), proceed forward for 900m and take left into Abel's farm. It will be marked. 44th Anniversary run Long trail 6.6km (medium to difficult with 2 hills and one rope assisted decent), medium trail 4.8km (easy to medium with only 1 hill) both trails have good views but the long has great scenery. Both trials have dry feet if minimal rain. All men and women will receive a gift of an umbrella, B1 (christy and company) will be providing all hashers with a snack after the run (paid for by the hash) and there will be some free nibbles at the on home (premier). meatless, 2 humps and cameltoe
2279 10/9/2022 sapang bato pass the cemetery go straight on the new road.same spot as usual. twobottles,sirena
2278 10/2/2022 Past Rock Crushing, before Bailey bridge Over Bridge to Nowhere Right at Rock Crushing Plant Before Bailey bridge, go straight on dirt road instead of bearing left. Long about 7km Short about 4.5km Only 1 wet foot, if you're good at hopping. Nancy Boy
2277 9/25/2022 Camachilles by the river Directions: over the BTNW, at T turn right, left at rock crushing plant, then right. In the next left turn go straight down to the river. When parking, be aware there might be carabows laying in the long grass, being almost invisible. Short 2,9 km Dry feet Long 6,9km wet feet. No significant hills on both trails. Do not shoot the hare if it gets muddy. It is still wet season. Kuya Gay and 2snakes
2276 9/18/2022 The run this week will be in Porac. The same location I used a couple times recently. Directions: Proceed to the center of Porac Town. Turn right at bridge and go past City Hall. Keep Going straight about 1 km and just past the RRG Water Refilling Station, you will see a marked turn to the right. Follow the dirt road and marks to the run site. Short trail is about 4.5 km and medium currently is around 6 km. Floppy Dick, Two Snakes and Not Yet
2275 9/11/2022 porac ACHTUNG ACHTUNG be aware sirena and twobottles are the hares we are going to beautiful porac area this week,so don't drop your beer but grab your swim gear,the trail includes a swim hills,flat run and only in the shade.short run distance, one swedish mile,minus one roman mile and devide that number by two =_,_ _ the medium run is longer. direction:when you enter porac city turn right over the bridge and follow the road for less than two roman miles and turn left.the corners are marked with white flour,on on twobottles and sirena
2274 9/4/2022 Under the bridge to Somewhere. Go over TB2NW, 1st left, continue under the bridge, follow road to next bridge. Park under the bridge where the hare's orange pickup is parked. Short trail: 2.5 km. Medium trail: 6 km Just Kudu & 2 Snakes
2273 8/28/2022 Under the Cuayan SCTEX bridge close to run no 2271 location. Turn right 150 meters before the chicken shit field. Will be marked. Short 3.5 km, Medium 5 km and long 7 km. Estimated. Kaput & Floppy Dick
2272 8/21/2022 Over TB2NW, right at T-junction, right at rock crushing plant, over Baily bridge, after wall turn left. After 100 meter, turn right onto the new roadworks, then left on to the concrete 4-lane new road. Continue to the end of the road and park where the hare's orange car is parked. Trail length: Around 5.3 km. Nothing difficult. There might also be a long loop. The ladies Saturday Bushranger was in the area so don't follow the wrong marks. Bring umbrella and lots of water. Soggy Butt & Unlucky Fiancee
2271 8/14/2022 Barangay Manuali. Close to the chicken manure field. There are two ways to reach the dike road in Cuayan. One is the usual road through brgy Cuayan from police station 5 at Friendship Hwy/Poinsettia Av. The second is from the cement factory, close to Friendship gate, through brgy Anunas over the new bridge to the dike road. When there, follow dike road past brgy Manuali's brgy hall, under SCTEX and then a right turn to the road to field. Decimal position: 15.141881, 120.513702. Click on run # for maps. Two trails: Medium 6.5 km and Short 3 km. Stolen Property & Not Yet
2270 8/7/2022 The run this week will be in Porac. The same location I used a couple times recently. Directions: Proceed to the center of Porac Town. Turn right at bridge and go past City Hall. Keep Going straight about 1 km and just past the RRG Water Refilling Station, you will see a marked turn to the right. Follow the dirt road and marks to the run site. Short trail is about 4 km and medium currently is around 5.5 km. I might try to add a bit more to the medium trail. A couple people have told me that there're traffic problems at the intersection of Friendship Hwy and the Porac Road due to construction. I have been taking the SCTEX, you might want to do the same. Floppy Dick
2269 7/31/2022 Under the bridge to SOMEWHERE Trails F n U. Flat= Appox. 4.5 KMS easy peasy. U- Undulating bit longer than F still easy peasy. Wet feet only if you fall in. Good chance of rain honeydew and Bangka Blower {Hare Bitch )
2268 7/24/2022 Under the bridge to Somewhere. Park a little bit further down towards the river than normal. Trail length: six kilometers. Shewee & Au Per