Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2405

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time: 14:00

Location: Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes.

Remarks: San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street.

Hare: Facilitator & Brain Dead

Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.

Upcoming Angeles Hash runs

2405 3/16/2025 Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes. San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Facilitator & Brain Dead

Previous Angeles Hash runs

< 24 25 26 27 28 >
1843 12/1/2013 Sapang Bato Cemetery (Dead center of Sapang Bato) A-A, no major hills, so slightly longer than normal (8km+). On Home Angeliza Restaurant, McArthur Highway. K*nt Thief & Stolen Property
1842 11/24/2013 Lourdes Shrine at Bamban. Take second left turn after crossing Bamban bridge on MacArthur Highway. Runners trail 7kms. Walkers trail 6kms. On On home at Margarita Station. Kaput & Kiwi C.L.
1841 11/17/2013 Pampanga Agricultural College. Go through Magalang, then usual left then Right turn, along that road until you come to the Roundabout, That's the start.. On-Home Margarita.. Induces Mens. + Girls.
1840. 11/10/2013 No Transport. On Home Niagara.. Two Bottles and Sirena.
1839 11/3/2013 Villa Maria Underpass near Porac Lovely countryside. Mouse and TBA
1838 10/27/2013 Kalangitan landfill area - 1.5 km off the dap dap road to the north Go past Bamban about 3.5 km on Macarthur hwy. Turn left at the 7-11 going towards DapDap about 5 km. Go past the turn to dapdap and turn right {after the cemetery on the left} going towards the landfill. It will be marked here with calcimite. about 6 Km, Difficuty: 6.5 out of 10. Wet feet unless you are an Olympic long jumper. Great scenery and fragrant smell from the nearby garbage dump :) See Maps by clicking the run number. cujo
1837 10/20/2013 On Clark Base. Start at the old DFA building (next to Oriental Duty Free store) A to A run. An easy 6.5km run bring the wet weather gear in case the typhoon moves in. On home Margarita Station Finger in the Dyke & John Stumpf
1836. 10/13/2013 Deca Water Park, Margot, go past the cement factory, through the underpass, next rd. to the left.. A to A. On-Home Margarita. Saput. and Kunstable.
1835 10/6/2013 San Martin. Over the bridge to nowhere. Left at the T junction. Go through village at top of hill. Continue straight downhill past the log cabin church. Start / finish at the widened area where we have had several circles recently, with a cubo house and gate on a little rise on the right. Nancy Boy's white Everest will be there. A to A. On-Home Margarita. Nancy Boy.
1834 9/29/2013 Porac !!!!! Drive to the T junction in Porac !!!!!! Turn Right & go over the bridge !!! Go about 3k's + on that main road!!!!!!!!!!! When you come to the 1st "Dirt Road " on you Right You will see Hash Powder , Bogg Paper, or RED & White Plastic Streamers !!!!! Follow the marks to the Start & Parking area! the dirt road is about a 1 K to where we park !!! There is only "ONE " main trail & it is about 6 + K long!!!!!! The Rambo's will break a way from the main Trail & do an extra 3 K's & then will rejoin the main Trail !!!!! There will be a 2nd Rambo trail later which is only 2 k's long !!!!!! hahahah So if you do all the Rambo & reg trail don't complain !!!!!! The On Home will be 250 meters Past Eruption Bar & 10 meter Past the New Zenfield Hotel !!!! it is on the left side of the street at the Masonic Lodge !!! Cant miss it, big gray doors & a big Blue sign hanging from the wall !!!!! There will be some kind of snack or food at the On Home to be Purchased as to help the Masonic Lodge !!!!! See You all Sunday & bring your Rain Gear change of shoes , you will be getting your feet wet !!!! Rusty nail Rusty Nail & Single Malt
1833 9/22/2013 Cuayan - From Friendship highway turn onto Cuayan road (between Enclave subdiv. and police post). Drive to very top where road meets dyke and turn left onto dirt track. Start is about 200 M down track. Click on run number for map showing route to start. A-A run, mainly flat, medium trail = 7.4 km, short trail = 6.2 km. Rate about 0.4 and 0.5 respectively on the SMSOD (Single Malt Scale of Difficulty). On home is Brass Knob. Pussy Licker & Patch Snatch
1832. 9/15/2013 Ag. college, San Vicente.Over the bridge to nowhere, right at the T junction, on for 300m then left up the hill, right at the top, down the hill and you're there. A to A run. On-home Niagara Picasso and mother Duck.
1831. 9/8/2013 Mianang rd. Take MacArthur hiway to Bamban, continue on for 1.5km, then a Left turn up the Mianang rd, on for Approx 1.2km, then look for a clearing on the right side, near a large brick wall.. A to A. On-Home Margarita. Don't miss this run, it's for all to enjoy.. Click on run No. for simple map. Soggy D/H.
1830 9/1/2013 About 500 meters past the Bridge to nowhere, click run # to see Google earth picture Go over the bridge to nowhere and the start point is at the first intersection, at the bottom of the hill after the left turn. Careful where you park because trucks use this turn to get to the river. A-A run. No it is not a dry feet run! Mud, wait a bit thorns etc. Mother duck and Answer do
1829. 8/25/2013 Cauyan. Right at the police Stn. on Friendship Hiway, all the way to the end, turn left, and about 1.5km to start.(where Cujo started a few months back).. A to A. about 8km, mainly flat and No wet feet!well hopefully..On-Home Niagara.Sorry for the late posting, computer problems.. Single Malt and Sipsip.
1828. 8/18/2013 Porac.Exit Sctex at Porac, continue for 1km, then right turn, follow marks to Ayala Adventure playground. Click on run No. for map. 35th. Anniversary, men 500, women/kids 300.registration starts at 1.00pm, come early to get your T shirt, on-Home margarita.A to A. Two Trails 5km and 7km. Induces Mens. and Miss Muffet + Kripple Keeper
1827. 8/11/2013 Sapang Bato.Vacant block, on the left side, just before you reach the cemetery.Click on Run No. for Map. A to A. On-Home Margarita. A run for all to enjoy.. Soggy D/H.
1826 8/4/2013 On-Base, Bi Centennial park, Take the road past immigration, continue on,past the playground, and it's the Gazebo on your right. A to A.Please wear T shirts, or you will get harassed by the guards, Runners-- feel free to do several laps of the parade ground before finishing!On-Home Margarita. Softcock & Lost in Subic + Mary Poppins
1825. 7/28/2013 Ag. college, San Vicente.Over the bridge to nowhere, right at the T junction, on for 300m then left up the hill, right at the top, down the hill and you're there. A to A. (NOTE: bring umbrellas, rain coats, etc; it's the rainy season. On-Home Margarita. Sodomiser and Kaput.
1824 7/21/2013 Deca Water Park, Margot, go past the cement factory, through the underpass, next rd. to the left.. Flat run,A to A. Dry feet,everybody can do this one!Note Cripples time, 2.30pm..On-Home Margarita. Saput and kuntstubble