Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2405
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Time: 14:00
Location: Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes.
Remarks: San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street.
Hare: Facilitator & Brain Dead
Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.
Upcoming Angeles Hash runs
Number | Date | Location | Remarks | Hare |
2405 | 3/16/2025 | Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes. | San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. | Facilitator & Brain Dead |
Previous Angeles Hash runs
Number | Date | Location | Remarks | Hare |
< 21 22 23 24 25 > | ||||
1904 | 1/25/2015 | Mianang rd. Take MacArthur hiway to Bamban, continue on for 1.5km, then a Left turn up the Mianang rd, on for Approx 1.2km, then look for a clearing on the right side, near a large brick wall.. | A to A. Approx. 8km, easy for some... Click on run No. for simple map. TODAY'S ON-HOME IS THE RUNSITE, SO THERE WILL BE EXTRA FOOD AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE, OR BRING YOUR OWN. | Two Bottles and Sirena. |
1903 | 1/18/2015 | Cuayan. Go West at Police station, corner of Friendship Highway/Poinsettia Avenue. Continue to water tower and follow the dike. Calcemine marks will guide you to start of run. Click on run number to see Google map of route to start. | A to A. 2 splits will give you a choice of medium run 10 km, 7.5 km and short and an easy 5 km!! Start of trail will not be disclosed until jeepneys have arrived. On home: Premier Hotel | Vendor Bender, Tingle Man & Au Per |
1902 | 1/11/2015 | Floridablanca | Take Floridablanca exit from SCTEX. Take first right turn down towards quarry and river. Make your way along towards the expressway bridge. Directions will be marked. About 6km walkers' trail A little longer for runners. IT WILL NOT BE A CHALLENGING TRAIL SO DON'T WIMP OUT! | Nancy Boy |
1901. | 1/4/2015 | Picnic area on left side of road just beyond the horse stables (El Kabayo) on Clark, if you get to the dinosaur park, you've gone to far. | A to A. Probaby one trail for all. On-Home Margarita Station. | Sodermizer and Conniemizer. |
1899 | 12/28/2014 | Ag College. Helicopter Pad Over bridge to nowhere, turn right at junction.Turn left opposite church. At top of hill turn right | A to A On home Premier Hotel | Bushwanker and Carabao Licker |
1898 | 12/21/2014 | Porac. See Google Earth view of area by clicking on Run number. Turn right in Porac town on the Villa Maria road, after 1.2 km turn right (will be marked). A few hundred meters to the start point in a field, | A - A . Easy run, wet feet. Bring Lollies and Santa hats. | Floppy Dick/Cujo |
1897 | 12/14/2014 | Across the bridge to nowhere, right at the T. Approx 2k turn left towards village. Approx 500m turn right onto dirt road. Approx 500m follow road hard right, ignoring trail straight. Approx 500m at turn (L) go rightish down narrow trail to circle/parking site. Will mark with calcimite powder. | A to A. Approximately 5k short, 8k long loop. Wet feet both trails. | soggy butt @ Poo Bear |
1896 | 12/7/2014 | ag college - helicopter pad - N15.14.207 E120.31.785 | from bridge to no where travel 1.7km to T junction, take a right, travel 500 meters to covered bus stop and take left. follow road up and to the right about 700m until the grassy area on right hand side. please park on road not in the grass for that is where we will have the circle. 2pm start!!!!!! tell your friends. | meatless + bush diver |
1895 | 11/30/2014 | Hacienda Dolores Rd, Porac, 1.7 Km from turn off, by cell phone tower. | Beeeutiful trail, 6Km, wet feet. On home Premier Hotel. NB my music gig at Blue Boar Inn 7 pm 2nd Dec. Free beer. | dances with dogs |
1894 | 11/23/2014 | Near Jalung Elementary School, Brgy. Cangatba, Porac. Approaching Porac town from Angeles go straight over at cross-roads with the river bridge on your RHS. Follow road round taking 2nd left and then 1st right (you should now be on the Jalung road). Follow road for a few km until it ends at a T jcn opposite the Jalung Elementary School. Turn right and follow track about 200 m down to riverside. Click on Run number for Google earth map of route to start. | A-A. Runner's & Walker's trails - look for split after first 1.5 km or so. No major hills and dry feet if you're careful. Please wait at start for hare's instructions. On Home: Premiere hotel | Honey Dew & Pussy Licker |
1893 | 11/16/2014 | Mainang.Take MacArthur Highway to Bamban, continue past the bridge for about 1km and it's a left turn, up the hill. Continue on through Mainang, until the end of the cement road, that's the start, the Hare will be there to organize parking | There is a split in the trail soon after the start, Left is long,8Km,Right is short, 6Km. On-Home Margarita. | Soggy D/H. |
1892 | 11/9/2014 | Deca WakeBoard Park Clark. On Sapang Bato from old Friendship Gate. Turn left at the WakeBoard Park and follow the calcimine marks close to where the start of the run. There will be area for you to park. | A-A Run. Walkers trail will be approximately 5kms. For the runners 9.8kms moderate hills and mainly flat. Please stay out of the farmers crops. We want to be able to come back. On-Home Margarita Station. | Mt. Isa and Wee Wee |
1891. | 11/2/2014 | Over the Bridge to Nowhere, first turn on left, park on corner. | two trails, 5km and 7km. On-Home Premiere Hotel. | Induces and Friends. |
1890 | 10/26/2014 | Cauayan - Turn right at the police station on Friendship hwy then all the way to the dike and turn left (Same direction as last week). Follow this road for 1.5 km to a y - left fork goes to the SCTEX underpass, go right toward start point which is another 350 meters near the river. {See picture} | a-a run, some bush bashing but fairly easy. On On Premiere hotel | Floppy Dick/cujo |
1889 | 10/19/2014 | Cauyan/Manuli Underpass on Tollway. Go out Perimeter Road to Friendship Highway. Turn left, proceed to Police Station/Enclave intersection. Turn Right. Thru Cauyan to dike road. Left. Follow to underpass. . | A-A Short Run WILL BE 4.5K couple of hills, Medium Run 7.5K one more hill Maybe able to avoid wet feet, depends on weather. On Home at Premiere Hotel, Malabanias St | Bumsteer |
1888 | 10/12/2014 | Leave Margarita Stn 2.30pm. Over the Bridge to Nowhere and park up at 1st junction on the right , it will be marked. | A-A. Run trail is about 6 to 7 km, .Wait at start for Hare's instructions On Home will be the NEW Angeliza's (which was the old Eager Beaver), just around the corner from Phillies Sports Bar. On on. Bring some candies for kids.. | Samba la Bamba & alien intruder |
1887 | 10/5/2014 | Leave Margarita Stn 2.30pm. Over the Bridge to Nowhere and park up at 1st junction on the left, it will be marked. | Run will be about 5-6k, depending on how you deal with the Check, with a few hills and a little water. Short cut will be available for the Cripples if required. On Home will be the NEW Angeliza's (which was the old Eager Beaver), just around the corner from Phillies Sports Bar. On on. | KFC and Soggy Butt |
1886 | 9/28/2014 | Run starts and finishes at very top of Margot new housing sub-division. From top of Perimeter road head towards Sapang Bato passing cement works on your left. After about 1 km turn left onto road leading into new housing sub-div. & Wake Board Park. Continue past Wake Board Park for about another 1.5 kms where road turns sharp left through two rows of tiny houses. At end of road turn right and continue up 500 m to where road ends by a basket-ball court. Click on Angeles Hash tab & then Run No. for map showing route to start. | A-A. Runner's trail about 7.8 km, Walker's trail about 5.3 km, both mainly flat.Wait at start for Hare's instructions.Some recent trail markings are still present in this area and you'll go wrong if you don't start along correct trail. Take water with you, it could be hot. On Home is Brass Knob. | Pussy Licker & Patch Snatch |
1885 | 9/21/2014 | SAPANG BATO CEMETRY VACANT LOT JUST NEAR IT been there many times | AtoA RUN on home is at NIGARA | lost in subic/hypocrite |
1884. | 9/14/2014 | Sto Nino.Over the bridge to Nowhere, down to the T juction, turn right, on for 2Km, the next T juction is the Start, The old rock crushing plant. | Good chance of wet feet, A to A. On-Home Niagara. | Hypocrite and Lost in Subic. |