Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2405
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Time: 14:00
Location: Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes.
Remarks: San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street.
Hare: Facilitator & Brain Dead
Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.
Upcoming Angeles Hash runs
Number | Date | Location | Remarks | Hare |
2405 | 3/16/2025 | Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes. | San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. | Facilitator & Brain Dead |
Previous Angeles Hash runs
Number | Date | Location | Remarks | Hare |
< 19 20 21 22 23 > | ||||
1941 | 10/18/2015 | Across the bridge to nowhere, right at the T. Left at the Rock Crushing Plant (about 2k from T)towards town. 400 m take a right, dirt road. Follow to the split (abt 1.5k) bear right on main dirt road. Right at the next HARD corner, down to the river. Parking at the corner for a few cars if you're not liking the road to the circle. Will mark with powder. | Long (7k apx) Short (5.5 apx). Wet feet. Nothing really hard. Long trail more scenic. Road to circle is a bit rough but drive slow and you'll be fine. Circle is the right turn down to the river, been there several times. On Home Premier Hotel. | soggy butt @ Filipina Logic |
1941D | 10/17/2015 | Because of Typhoon Koppu no out of town run today SUNDAY! /Vendor Bender | Town walk from Premiere instead (if you don't mind beeing wet) (The date is wrong - I know - But I couldn't get this information to publish before Soggy Butts run info otherwise) | Who knows? |
1940 | 10/11/2015 | Jalung river bridge, just South of Porac. Turn left at Porac town bridge, 200m turn right at Toledo St. keep going and follow marks to river. | 6k beautiful country. Wet feet. We may have a long split which will be 8k. | dances with dogs and mouse |
1939 | 10/4/2015 | Same directions as last week BUT DO NOT TURN RIGHT AFTER THE VILLAGE, stay on main road. Parking will be on the right about .9 km past village at the gravel dump. Look for my blue 2 door Pajero. If it looks like hard rain on the day parking will move on down the road to the underpass. Again, just look for my car. | Short and flat, 1 trail about 6.5 k. Dry feet. | Soggy Butt and Filipina Logic |
1938. | 9/27/2015 | Cuayan. Go right at Police station, corner of Friendship Highway/Poinsettia Avenue. Continue to T, left turn and follow the dike. Stay on the main dirt road through the little village(Manuali) another 500m. turn right, continue on, then there is another right turn to go down under bridge, IF you have a car, and don't feel comfortable going down, just leave your car at the top and walk down. | Short and Medium Trails, Medium is 6.5Km,the short is, Err, shorter...little bit of moisture under foot. On-Home Premiere. | Bananitas+Mother Duck+Answer Do+Golden Shower. |
1937 | 9/20/2015 | Take the back road towards Bamban bridge. Over the Bridge to Nowhere. Right at San Vicente. Right at Rock Crushing. Over the metal bridge. Left after the big wall. Carry straight on to the clearing at the foot of the hill. | Short trail about 5km. Long trail about 7km. | Nancy Boy, Fishy Fingers, Flip Flop |
1936 | 9/13/2015 | Metro Gate, Pandan. Pass Clubhouse, turn left, then third left (see picture) | A to A, 5k and 7k runs. On-Home Marble Inn | Kaput & Trucker Fucker |
1935 | 9/6/2015 | Bridge to nowhere. Park on dirt road on left after crossing over bridge. The usual location. | On home Niagara | Floppy dick |
1934. | 8/30/2015 | Bamban.MacArthur highway to Bamban, over the bridge(coathanger) continue on for 300m, then left turn, on for about 1.5km, area to park on you right, will be marked. | Short and Medium trails, there will a split at the 2km mark,Short is Right, Med/Long is Left. On-Home Marble Inn. | Soggy DH. & Mini D’Muncher. |
1933 | 8/23/2015 | Cuayan, go through Cuayan and follow dike to brgy Manuali. Go through underpass and follow marks. Click on run # for map. Jeepneys leave Premiere hotel at 15:00. Some hashers don't like A to A runs, so we have decided to do a B to B run just to please everyone. It will be all downhill. | Trails available: 4km, 5km, 7km and 8km. On request we can also offer you a special: Mr. Bumsteers riverbed run!! No reservations are required for this special run. On home Premiere Hotel. | Vendor Bender (and Mr. B. Steer) |
1930. 37th Anniversary Run. | 8/16/2015 | San Martin.leaves from Premiere Hotel,Across bridge to nowhere, drive to T junction, turn left up to village,start past village overlooking Randy's farm | Men 600 pesos, Girls 400, includes T shirt. New Trails up and down mountain,Walkers and runners trails. if you have any old clothes, bring then along, hand out to the Aeta's. Wait for the GM to give instructions at the start. On-Home Premiere. | Saput & Bananitas. |
1932. | 8/9/2015 | Mianang Rd. MacArthur highway to Bamban, over the bridge(coathanger) continue on for about 1Km, then it's a Left turn up the mianang rd.on for about 1.5Km, then it's a Right turn, will be marked in Calsamite. Click on Run No. for simple map. | About a 7Km run, and a New/Old on-home. Korean BBQ restaurant on Real st, The old Anchorage... | Two bottles and Sirena. |
1931. | 8/2/2015 | Near Sweet Crystals sugar mill past Porac. Go through underpass after mill and park on left. | 5.5 k one stiff up hill. Take expressway to Porac as there are roadworks and a diversion on the regular road out of Angeles. On Home premier hotel. | dances with dogs and mouse |
1929 | 7/26/2015 | Porac. Turn right at bridge. At Villa Maria sign turn left. Follow the powder splashes to the old Swimming Pool. | Medium (6kms). Maybe sorry they never went the long road. It's only a wee puddle. Long (7.5kms). | Single Malt & Sip Sip In |
1928. | 7/19/2015 | Town run, The hare has been out yesterday and Today, but it's so wet and muddy it will have to be a in town run this week.. | On-Home Niagara. | 2 Bottles. |
1927. | 7/12/2015 | Start- under Bridge to Nowhere. Go over bridge, take the next left,keep going left, then as you get to the bridge go right, past the shanties, then park on the open area on your right. | Two trails, 5 and 7Km,No mud, but some on run No. for map. On-Home Premiere, Charlies not available. | Induces & Helpers. |
1926 | 7/5/2015 | Passing through Sapang Bato from A.C. turn left at S-B Health Center onto the first bridge over the Abacan river. As you leave the bridge going uphill take the first track on the left at the top of the hill, passing through two old steel gates. Follow track for about 500 m going to the left of a house marked 'Garcia Family'and passing between two rows of houses until you arrive at the open area at the end of the track. Trail starts from there. The track will be marked with Kalsomine powder from the gates to the run location. | Single trail of about 6.3 km with a few checks. On home Premiere hotel. | Pussy Licker & Patch Snatch |
1925. | 6/28/2015 | On-Base. Carpark opposite McDonalds,just past Pure Gold on Claro M. Recto, or take Manual A. Roxas, and just past Widus Hotel turn right.---Looks like you have to go to the lights and turn. | Nothing difficult about this run, come along and enjoy, bring brolly it could rain. On-Home run No. for map. | Soggy D/H. |
1924 | 6/21/2015 | Cuayan. Go West at Police station, corner of Friendship Highway/Poinsettia Avenue. Continue to T, left turn and follow the dike. Stay on the main dirt road through the little village and through the underpass. Right turn immediately after underpass and follow road until you see my blue Pajero. Calcemine marks will guide you to start of run. | Long and medium trails 7k and 6k approximately. Possible wet feet depends on weather. Both trails have hills but not ball breaker. Long trail is harder. | soggy butt, Poo Bear, Filipina Logic |
1923. | 6/14/2015 | Sapang Bato. Vacant block on the left, just before cemetery. | Two splits in the trail, first at the 1km mark, left harder, right easy. The trails then rejoin before a split at the 4km, straight harder, right easy. What could possibly go on run No. On-Home Premeire hotel. | Golden Shower-Super Glue- Morf. |