Sunday Run/Hike

Next weeks Run #2405

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Time: 14:00

Location: Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes.

Remarks: San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street.

Hare: Facilitator & Brain Dead

Who: All - Adult themed - Children welcome but Parental discretion advised
When: Every Sunday
Price: Men 400 Peso, Women 200 Peso, Kids 100 Peso for ordinary runs. Special runs like the AGPU or Anniverasy may have different run fees.

Upcoming Angeles Hash runs

2405 3/16/2025 Randys Farm in San Martin. Go over the Bridge to Nowhere (Sacobia River Bridge), and follow the road for 2.3km to the T-Junction. Turn left and follow road 3.5km through the Aeta Village, then turn right on the marked concrete road. Go 100m then turn left into gated land. Take a left at the Y Junction and look for the cars on top of the grassy knoll. Turns will be marked with White Powder. GPS: 15.230972, 120.494528 (15°13'51.5"N 120°29'40.3"E) (6FJV+9RJ). BE AWARE that the turn down the marked road at the top of Randys Place is very steep on the right side and cars should approach as far to the left as possible. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Journey time from Premiere Hotel to Randys Farm is approx 35 minutes. San Martin is a naturally hilly area, so all trails involve hills. This Sundays trail is though dry Feet, weather permitting. Medium Trail is approx 5km. If 5km is too much for you please ask the hares for alternatives. REMINDER: The Jeepney(s) leave the Premiere Hotel promptly at 2pm, so please arrive 15 minutes earlier to avail of this service. The On Home is at Valdez Store on Valdez Street. Facilitator & Brain Dead

Previous Angeles Hash runs

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1960 2/28/2016 Across the bridge to nowhere. At the T turn right. About 1.4 km up the road park on the right hand side, road parking is best because not a lot of room for cars off the road. Look for my Pajero. 3 trails. Short is about 3.5, Medium is about 6, long is about 6.8... medium is the easiest. Long trail is a challenge so be warned. On home Premier. soggy butt, Poo Bear, Filipina Logic
1959. 2/21/2016 Mt. Arayat. Proceed to Pampanga Agri. College, other side of Magalang. Go through College gate saying you are going to San Vicente. Take first turn on right marked welcome. continue on that road for 2Km, then it will be open field on your right before village. One trail only, 6.8Km, but easy going. On-Home Marble inn. Click on run No. for map. Induces & Helpers.
1958. 2/14/2016 Mianang rd. Take MacArthur hiway to Bamban, continue on for 1.5km, then a Left turn up the Mianang rd, on for Approx 1.2km, then look for a clearing on the right side, near a large concrete wall.. Short trail,5.5Km, Medium 7.5Km. Mainly flat, with a few mounds.. On-Home Premiere. Click on run No. for map. Soggy d/h.
Baguio 2/13/2016 Baguio
1957. A.G.P.U. 2/7/2016 San Martin. Over the Bridge to Nowhere and on to 'T' junction. Turn left and continue on, go through San Martin, Park top of hill overlooking Randys farm. Short/Medium/Long trails, possibility of wet feet. Wait for the GM's instructions before starting on trail.Cost is 600for men and 400 for ladies. On-Home Premiere. Saput and Bananitas,+ Kentucky.
1956 1/31/2016 Sapang Bato Past church, carry on through town, over 2nd bridge, up hill to Dickie Capiz's yard. Approx. 1.5 km after 2nd bridge. Will be marked with calcamite.Park tidy in road please, Yard exclusive for Jeepneys & beer truck and circle! A to A Easy run but some modest hills. Definitely 'wet feet' through the 'mini canyon' Short run approx 6.5km, long maybe 7.5 - 8km Wave to the guy with the chicken farm for allowing us through that area!Some Itas on route. On home Premier Haystack & Tigger
1955 1/24/2016 Deka Wakeboard Park Park your car on the road, not on Deka car park. Medium and long run.(approx. 7k and 8k). On Home Premiere Hotel Floppy Dick & Kaput
1954 1/17/2016 Pio, same place as Bob Smith run 2 weeks ago. Go thro Porac, on towards Subic, look for turn on Right with Pio sign. Follow calsamite marks BEEUTIFUL country, 7Km run.FYI, no short run as it did not work out today. fairly gentle, one tricky downhill. Wet feet of course, bute if ul views. dances with dogs, KFC, Mouse
1953. 1/10/2016 Kalangitan (Near Dapdap) MacArthur Highway to Bamban, continue on the highway to the traffic lights(7-11 on the corner). From the Bamban bridge to the lights is about 3+Km. Turn Left at the lights, Keep on this road, Don't turn left where it say Dapdap, continue past the Cemetery, on for another 2Km, will be marked. Short run 4Km. Long 8Km On-Home Premiere Hotel. Sirena & Stolen Property.
1952. 1/3/2016 Barrio Pio in between Sugar Mill and Porac, Turn off on the Pio Arch and will be splattered with powder every turn off. Bring your Wellies. Single Malt & Sip Sip In
1951 12/27/2015 Over the Bridge to Nowhere on the right half way up the first hill .... been there before .. look for calsimine. Long trail Approx 6.5km .. short approx 4.5km maybe a little water .. a nice relaxing trail after the Christmas celebration. On home at the Premier Hotel. Finger in the Dyke & B.K
1950 12/20/2015 Mianang Rd. MacArthur highway to Bamban, over the bridge(coathanger) continue on for about 1Km, then it's a Left turn up the mianang rd.on for about 1.5Km, then it's a Right turn, will be marked in Calsamite, follow the marks to the Start Location. Walkers Trail 4Km. Runners Trail 10Km. On-Home is Valhalla. Standing room outside, Seating upstairs and inside. Two Bottles & Sirena.
1949. 12/13/2015 Sapang Bato. Vacant block on left before Cemetery. About 1Km into the trail are Security guards, If you are stopped, just scribble a name in their book and move on. Medium length trail, No wet feet, Challenging in places, But Effort = Reward, (ice cold beer). On-Home Premiere. If you have done the A to Z bar hop, this is the perfect pick-me-up.... Snr. Golden Shower. Jnr. Morphine.
1948 12/6/2015 Clark Picnic Grounds, first parking area after El Kabayo Stables. A to A run, easy 5km (10km if you want to go around twice). Slightly wet feet. Paper will be multii-colored, don't get confused with last week's run. You may see some hungry horses that would appreciate any food you can bring for them. OH Premiere. Titanic DH and KFC
1947. 11/29/2015 On Base. Carpark opposite McDonalds,just past Pure Gold on Claro M. Recto Flat run, 8.5Km. Mainly on dirt tracks. nothing to difficult about this run. On-Home Premiere Hotel. Click on run No. for simple map.. Soggy D/head.
1946. 11/22/2015 San Martin. Over the bridge to nowhere, down to "T" junction, turn Left, on for 1.5Km .Then Left again(will be marked) on down to river, limited space, park neatly.. Short run 6Km, long 7.5Km Rivers and Hills. Free food at On-Home. Niagara. Induces and helpers.Mikes 1000 Run.
1945 11/15/2015 Sapang Bato Cemetery - through Sapang Bato village. Been there many times before turn left go past the school up the hill. Parking in open field next to cemetery. On Home - Premier Hotel Bush Diver & Hand Brake
1944 11/8/2015 see run 1941 for location and parking info. Short 5.5, Med 6.5, Hard 8.5 (approx). Wet feet all trails. Not so much muck this week. On Home Premeire. soggy butt @ filipina logic
1943. 11/1/2015 Sto.Niño. Across the bridge to nowhere, right at the T. Left at the Rock Crushing Plant, there will be calsamine marks from there to the start. SUBIC RUN on hold, for another time. On-Home Niagara. Two Bottles.& Sirena.
1942. 10/25/2015 Clark./ Gate14 Area. go past Centennial Park, on past the Golf Course on your Left, up the hill to the intersection,Park on the left there. The guards in that area will require everyone to sign a piece of paper.before the run start's.. On-Home Premiere. Induces and helpers.